yinrui123 发表于 2016-8-16 14:00:00


请问在mpcci4.3.1+abaqus6.13-1+fluent15.0组合中,fluent和abaqus分别是在求解前交换数据还是求解后交换数据呢?非常感谢! 帮助文档是这样说的:In any case it is important to know whether each code performs the data exchange at the beginning of the time step before the iteration, which we call “exchange before solution”, or at the end of a time step after the iteration, “exchange after solution”.

yinrui123 发表于 2016-8-16 19:10:55

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 请问mpcci4.3.1版本中,代码的数据交换方式问题