icepak 可以采用批处理文件求解计算吗?
我想让Icepak自动启动自动计算,可否实现Icepak的采用批处理实现,请高手指点,如果可以,怎么实现? 是可以实现的。以下是之前总结的,英文版的。这个应该不难吧?简单的说,就是每次的计算点击don't start,得到一个bat的批处理文件。然后把每个case的批处理文件放在同一个文件中。注意切换目录即可。If youhave only one job to run, you can -Open the solver on the tool menu,“Solve:Run Solution:Advanced” -Check the box marked “Don’t startsolver” -Accept the job with the button“Start Solution” at the bottom of the pop up menu -Icepak will process the filesrequired from the modeler but will not begin the iterative process of solvingthe model.-Navigate to the folder with yourIcepak model, let’s call it “job”. -You will find an executable filethat will run your job, allowing you to log off the modeler, if youdesire.Let’s say for this example thatthis is solution number “job00”.If youare on a Windows operating system then the file will be named“job00_scr.bat”.If you are inUnix/Linux, it will file named “job00.SCRIPT”. -Run this executable file (forWindows just click on the file icon). -You can now perform otheroperations with the Icepak modeler or logoff the modeler while the solveriterates to the solution.Supposeyou have 2 (or more) jobs, “job1” and “job2”, that you want to run using abatch file.Steps 1 and 2 are commontasks to Unix/Linux as well as Windows. Step 1 Open your model “job1” in Icepak Select ‘solve’ Select the ‘don't start solver’ Select ‘Accept’ This will create a .cas file (for example: 'job100.cas')and a .bat file (for example: 'job100.scr.bat' in NT or 'job100.SCRIPT' in unix/linux). Step 2 Open your model “job2” in Icepak Select ‘solve’ Select the ‘don't start solver’ Select ‘Accept’ This will create a .cas file (say 'job200.cas') and a .bat file (for example: 'job200.scr.bat'in Windows or 'job200.SCRIPT' in unix/linux). For Windowsoperating system (After executing steps 1 and 2) a.Createa new text file with an application such as notepad and etc.;give it a name with the extension '.bat' (for example: 'runall.bat').Save it in the “job1” directory. b.Copyand paste the contents of job100.scr.bat c.Inthe next line type: cd<directory path to job2> {Example: cd c:icepakjob2} d.Onthe next line, copy and paste the contents of the job200.scr.bat file e.Andrepeat for as many jobs you want to run … f.Saverunall.bat. g.Runrunall.bat. For Unix/Linuxoperating systems (After executing steps 1 and 2) a.Createa new text file; give it a name with the extension '.SCRIPT' (for example: 'runall.SCRIPT').Save it in the “job1” directory. b.Inyour new test file, enter the command to change to the “job1” {Example: cd home/icepak/job1} c.Inthe runall.SCRIPT file, enter thecommand to run the .SCRIPT file which is in the “job1” directory. {Example: job100.SCRIPT} d.Inyour new text file, enter the command to change to the “job2” {Example: cd home/icepak/job2} e.Inthe runall.SCRIPT file, enter thecommand to run the .SCRIPT file which is in the “job2” directory . f.Repeatfor additional jobs. gSaveyour text file runall.SCRIPT and quityour text editor. h.Runthe runall.SCRIPT file.