方案二:Ansoft Help文档—“Coupling Maxwell Designs with ANSYSThermal via Workbench”
19. To export the thermal result to Maxwell,right-click on the <STRONG>Imported Load (Maxwell2DSolution)</STRONG>, or <STRONG>Imported Load(Maxwell3DSolution)</STRONG>and select <STRONG>ExportResults</STRONG>.
20. To fully utilize the automationcapabilities provided in <STRONG>ANSYS Workbench</STRONG>, select <STRONG>Imported Load (Maxwell2DSolution)</STRONG>,or <STRONG>ImportedLoad(Maxwell3DSolution)</STRONG>; and in its <STRONG>Detail</STRONG>win-dow, select <STRONG>Yes</STRONG>for <STRONG>Export afterSolve</STRONG>. With this option selected, users can continue the itera-tionbetween Maxwell/Thermal simulations from the Workbench schematic.
To “push” the exported thermal resultsback to Maxwell, right-click on Maxwell's <STRONG>Solution</STRONG> cell on the Workbenchschematic and select <STRONG>Enable Update</STRONG>. Then, right-click again on Max-well's <STRONG>Solution</STRONG> cell and select <STRONG>Update</STRONG>. Thiswill trigger Maxwell to re-simulate its solution with thermal results.
To continue the solve iterations,repeat the following steps as needed:
a. Right-click on Thermal's <STRONG>Setup</STRONG> cell and select <STRONG>Refresh</STRONG>.
b. Right-click on Thermal's <STRONG>Setup</STRONG> cell and select <STRONG>Update</STRONG>.
c. Right-click on Maxwell's <STRONG>Solution</STRONG> cell and select <STRONG>Enable Update</STRONG>.
d. Right-click on Maxwell's <STRONG>Solution</STRONG> cell and select <STRONG>Update</STRONG>.