Answer:There are so many possible answers to this problem that it would bedifficult to say that one answer is the best.Look to make sure that they makeclasses to set up a texteditor(classes for the GUI,formatting,saving/loadingfiles,handling input,etc.).Using in heritance(subclassing in object‐orientedprogramming)where it makes sense is also good for reusability and extend ability.Using design patters(such as Model‐View‐Controller,Listener/Observer,or theSingleton pattern)is also a good thing.The main point is for them to get used tothinking about how they would design a system.Most importantly,they need tothink about simplicity,reusability,and extendability in their design. |
共 1 个关于本帖的回复 最后回复于 2013-7-30 16:55