本帖最后由 陈尔璇 于 2015-8-4 09:52 编辑
http://yunpan.cn/cdjZ45bRD3LrD 访问密码 ba3c
These are the improvements:
- There have been significant solutionspeed-ups, most apparent in larger and more complex geometries, in all theMotorSolve modules. In benchmark tests performed at Infolytica, solutionspeed-ups of up to a factor of 60 times have been observed.
- Sizing and skew options have beenadded to the DCM module.
- A quick analysis method has been addedto the DCM module. This new method is called the "current-driven"analysis method.
- The user can now control the number ofadvance angles for the non-linear FEA solutions in the PWM analysis,significantly speeding up solutions.
- The VHDL export for BDC (brushless DCmodule) now supports both the linear and non-linear options and takes iron lossinto account. The VHDL export for IM (induction motor module) now takes ironloss into account.
And, there is now a new VHDL export forSRM (switched reluctance module). There have been similar improvements to theexport to Simulink option. Note that the Simulink Plug-in for MotorSolve moduleis also modified to support these improvements. This module will be availableshortly after the release of MotorSolve itself.
- A new file export option has beenadded to export to the SimScape format.
- Two new rotor templates have beenadded.
- Improvements have been made to thebreadloaf template parameters in the BDC module.
- The new version of MotorSolve will beavailable as a 32-bit and a 64-bit release. Up to now, MotorSolve has beenavailable only as a 32-bit release. However, as I mentioned to you in myearlier communications, future versions of MotorSolve will be available only asa 64-bit release. In effect, MotorSolve 5.1 provides a transition period andyou should take this opportunity to encourage all users to start using the64-bit release. Obviously, there are major advantages using the 64-bit release,in both the memory and speed of execution.
More details about the changes toMotorSolve will be available with the release. Please do not hesitate tocontact me if you have any questions.
共 11 个关于本帖的回复 最后回复于 2020-2-24 08:05