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Every now and then a release comes along and we point to it for years afterward and say “this all started there”. The original ST was one of those releases, and it is the reference point we use for the beginning of Synchronous Technology. ST10 is another, and we will refer to ST10 as the starting point of Convergent Modeling in Solid Edge. I’m going to start by defining some terms, but don’t worry, there is a lot more to this release than this one topic.

每一次,随之而来的是一段时间,我们再指出它,并说“这一切都从那里开始”。 原来的ST是这些版本之一,它是我们用于开始同步技术的参考点。 ST10是另一个,我们将参考ST10作为Solid Edge融合建模的起点。 我将从定义一些术语开始,但不用担心,这个版本比这个主题还有更多的东西。

There will be more blog posts detailing the new functionality, here I am just giving you an overview. Let’s hear some cheering in the comments for your favorite new enhancements!

将有更多的博客文章详细介绍新功能,这里我只是给你一个概述。 让我们听到您对最喜爱的新增加功能的评论中的欢呼!

    Convergent Modeling

The “synchronous” in Synchronous Technology meant that several things were happening at the same time, rather than sequentially in order. In the same way, Convergent Modeling means that certain technologies are coming together.

同步技术中的“同步”意味着几件事情同时发生,而不是依次顺序。 同样的方式,Convergent Modeling意味着某些技术在一起。

The technologies that are coming together are:


    Mesh Modeling – enables you to use mesh models as solid models

    网格建模 - 使您可以使用网格模型作为实体模型

    Reverse Engineering – the ability to get a BREP based solid body from mesh model

    逆向工程 - 从网格模型获取基于BREP的实体的能力

    Generative Design – reverses the FEA process to create optimized mesh geometry from a set of input conditions

    生成设计 - 反转FEA过程,以从一组输入条件创建优化的网格几何

Some people may say “yeah, but I never work with subd models”. That’s because you couldn’t. Now you can. And now that you can, I’ll bet you’ll find a lot of applications for using that kind of data. Here are some examples of the kind of data you can work with now:

有些人可能会说“是的,但是我从来没有使用子模型”。 这是因为你不能。 现在你可以。 现在你可以,我敢打赌,你会发现很多应用程序使用这种数据。 以下是您可以使用的数据类型的一些示例:

STL – 3d print data, JT, models that come from 3DSmax, Mudbox, Zbrush, modo, and a thousand other subdivision mesh tools, how about medical CAT scan or MRI data, analysis mesh models, VR and AR models – anything that you can save in a compatible format.

STL - 3D打印数据,JT,来自3DSmax,Mudbox,Zbrush,modo和一千个其他细分网格工具的模型,医疗CAT扫描或MRI数据,分析网格模型,VR和AR模型如何 可以保存为兼容格式。

The ability to use mesh data in our designs is an important step forward into next generation design. I know there have been a lot of discussions here on this blog and also in the forum about this very topic. I’m glad to be associated with a development team that really listens to what customers and potential future customers are looking for. There is so much mesh data that exists “out there”, and now we can use it. Palm trees and people in my renderings. Yeah, baby.

在我们的设计中使用网格数据的能力是向下一代设计迈出的重要一步。 我知道在这个博客上有很多的讨论,也在论坛上就这个话题进行了很多的讨论。 我很高兴与一个真正倾听客户和潜在未来客户正在寻找的开发团队联系在一起。 有很多网格数据存在于“在那里”,现在我们可以使用它。 棕榈树和我的效果图中的人。 是的,宝贝。

Part Enhancements 零件扩展

Scale Body command! Yes! Allows all positive values (not arbitrarily limited the way some CAD programs are). Scales about origin. Allows non-uniform scaling. You can select multiple bodies (and it will automatically scale multiple lumps within bodies).

实体缩放指令! 是! 允许所有正值(不是任意限制某些CAD程序的方式)。 关于起源的尺度 允许不均匀缩放。 您可以选择多个物体(它将自动缩放多个团块内的物体)。

Sketching 草图

Draw command in sketch enables touch screen users to draw on the screen and capture sketch entities like Catchbook.


PathXpres in 3D sketch enables automatic routing, point to point. 3D sketch has also been enhanced for routing, including adding the Split command.

3D草图中的PathXpres启用自动路由,点对点。 3D草图也被增强了路由,包括添加Split命令。

Interface 用户界面

One of the big things that I know a lot of people will be interested in is Multi-Lingual Setup. The upshot here is that you can easily change languages without uninstall/reinstall just by using the Windows Control Panel, Region and Language dialog.

我知道很多人会感兴趣的一件大事是多语言设置。 这里的结果是,您可以轻松地更改语言,而无需卸载/重新安装,只需使用Windows控制面板,区域和语言对话框。

Translators 转换器

The new 3MF 3D print format can be used for export of part, assembly, and sheet metal data. There are enhancements for export to JT and STL as well.

新的3MF 3D打印格式可用于部件,装配和钣金数据的导出。 出口到JT和STL也有改进。

You can now import mesh models to the Synchronous environment from JT, IFC, STL and STEP. Export mesh to JT, IFC, 3MF, and STL.

您现在可以从JT,IFC,STL和STEP将网格模型导入到同步环境。 将网格导出到JT,IFC,3MF和STL。

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