我看了下帮助,里面是这么说的:4.1.Analyzing Radiation Problems1.The ANSYS program provides four methods for radiation analysis, each meant for a different situation:You can use LINK31, the radiation link element, for simple problems involving radiation between two points or several pairs of points.2.You can use the surface effect elements, SURF151 and SURF152 for radiation between a surface and a point.3.You can use the AUX12 Radiation Matrix method for more generalized radiation problems involving two or more surfaces. (Only the ANSYS Multiphysics, ANSYS Mechanical, and ANSYS Professional programs offer Radiation Matrix Generator.)我现在是第三种情况就是计算两个在恒定温度下,面与面之间的辐射换热,如下图1,就是一个腔体加一个接受面,腔体温度1000k,接受面温度300k,怎么求从空腔投射到腔外探测器接受面上的实际辐射能啊,求各位大神帮帮忙,而且为什么我装的ansys里找不到multiphysics这个模块啊如图2。
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